

Hey everyone,

This is just a super quick update as I haven't posted in ages and I have been really inactive on social media too! I'm sorry! As many will know, I started college this week and I haven't had much time at home and when I've been getting home, I've been eating and watching Coronation Street and Eastenders and going to bed! I'm knackered! Anyway, since I still haven't worked out a schedule for writing posts/posting the posts, I haven't really done much lately. Once I get into the swing of things at college I will find times which are good for me to write and post and will get a schedule going and hopefully be super organised. I do have a few posts on the go and I have a few I'm planning on writing! But especially for photographing, I have lost most of the natural light by the time I have got home and got sorted (It's been 7:00 pm the past few days!) and I want to make the quality and photography as good as possible! So please bare with me! I also have NCS on Saturdays now for a month (If you haven't heard of NCS it is a thing I did in Summer which I will be writing a post about soon hopefully!) So I am very busy at the moments and don't get a lie in on Saturday (how will I survive?!)
Anyway, this was just a quick update to let you guys know that I haven't abandoned my blog, nor am I ignoring people or anything on Twitter or Instagram, I have been on a little bit.

Thank you for reading and hopefully you'll all like my future posts and everything will be great!

Lots of love, x

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