Front Row Say What?! || McBusted
08:22Hey everyone,
I had a rather exciting Saturday night (not that I don't usually) but this was especially exciting as I went to see McBusted!!
Once we arrived at the concert we managed to get 'Get Me To The Front' tickets, as a lovely group of people had some spare and gave them us free which was so nice of them. I do wish I could thank them again because it really did make it the BEST night ever! Get Me To The Front was basically a section right in front of the stage (which wasn't very big).
We managed to get right at the front of the stage in the middle (which was amazing!) McBusted were like 2 metres away when they came down the runway bit, I couldn't believe it! They never fail to put on a great show, they really do love what they do!
The Support acts were also very good there was Callum Scott from Britain's Got Talent, HomeTown (they are an Irish band which Louis Walsh has signed) and Karen Harding. I do have to say though HomeTown were my favourite and I love them now!
Onto McBusted...
I really didn't expect them to feel as close as they were but honestly they were amazing, I'm really glad that it was McBusted that I were my first front row concert and I do hope that there will be many more to come (but probably not, lets be honest!)
Lots of love, x